Answering your burning questions

Why should I use a Mortgage Broker instead of my bank?

Mortgage Brokers are fully licensed professionals that work with Canada’s leading Financial Institutions including major Banks, Trust Companies, and Credit Unions. Unlike your bank, we shop across multiple lenders (including some of the big banks), to find you the best mortgage for your needs.

How much do you charge?

Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada. From the initial Discovery call to the final signing of your mortgage, our services are free. A fee is only ever charged for the most challenging credit solutions, but this is a rarity and would always be discussed upfront!

So, how do we get paid?! After we get your mortgage funded, the lender pays us a fee for bringing them the business. This is true no matter which lender we choose. There are no fees built into your mortgage rate!

Can I still get a mortgage if I have bruised credit?

Very likely, yes! Life happens and so can bruised credit. With over 50+ lenders, many of whom specialize in bruised credit, we have a plethora of options to explore. We don’t rest until we’ve turned over every stone for our clients.

What are fixed and variable rates?

Fixed-rate mortgages keep the same interest rate for the entire term of your mortgage. They have the advantage of stable/known payments, but often come with higher rates and pre-payment penalties.

Variable-rate mortgages can have fluctuating payments (based on the movement of the lender’s prime rate) and often come with lower rates and lower pre-payment penalties.


Apply for a mortgage today

Already know what you’re here for? Great! Click the button below to submit an application with us for a purchase, a refinance, or a renewal. The application will take about 10 minutes total to complete, and partially completed applications can be submitted.